Mar 11, 2015

PointHunter App... a must have if you hunt multiple states!

It is pretty clear that I only cover the state of Utah on this blog. I have only ever hunted in Utah and for the very foreseeable future Utah will be the only place that I hunt (although I do have a couple of my hunting buddies that reside in New Mexico & Idaho and have an open invitation to apply and hunt in those states). Don't feel bad for me though, I have a great thing going in Utah... I have the privilege of hunting private property and hunt both general deer and elk every year. But "man cannot live on bread alone," and today's hunter "cannot live on general hunts alone."  Many of us desire an experience that we perceive as superior to a general hunt or an opportunity outside of general hunts... so we apply for limited entry and once-in-a-lifetime permits year after year building bonus and preference points. Keeping everything straight is relatively easy for me since my applications are only filed in Utah. But there is a huge group of outdoorsmen who enjoy (and in many cases prefer) hunting outside of Utah. For those who apply for permits in multiple states the Point Hunter app is a welcome tool.

The target demographic is most definitely the hunter who fills out applications across multiple states, and if you fall within that demographic this app will help you stay on top of application dates, preference/bonus points, and drawing results.   

I'd do the app a disservice my trying to summarize its features myself, so for a comprehensive summary of the apps functionality please visit the developer's official blog  Here you will find all you will need to know about the app including links to both the AppStore (Apple) and Google Play (Android) for you to purchase the app.

Here is the developers "How To" video posted to YouTube:

Basically, if you apply for and hunt multiple states this app is a must have and well worth the price tag of a couple dollars.

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